We all love trends, and noticing new trends and how things change over time. The pace of change in the digital landscape is nothing short of exceptional, but from a travel recruitment perspective its interesting to observe the changing trends in job titles in the digital arena.
If we go way back, and I am probably talking ten years ago, we used to advertise for Internet Marketing Managers. Yes we really did! Can you imagine if you saw a job advert with this title now? How outdated would be your perception of that business? Then we started talking about Web Marketing Managers and also e-Marketing Managers which soon morphed in to Online Marketing Manager. Now the term “online” lasted for quite a few years and is still in use, but it’s starting to feel a bit dated now. The Digital Marketing Manager has definitely taken over.
You can probably predict how sophisticated a company’s digital offering is based on whether they have a Head of Online Marketing or a Head of Digital. Its also interesting to see another trend in job descriptions which is the emergence of the term “traffic acquisition”. Search Marketing Manager roles are now being replaced by Traffic Acquisition Manager job titles. Its fascinating to watch these trends developing, and trying to predict what is coming next…….???
Ian Brooks, Director